Until Then

One day I’ll be less irritable and impatient…until then

One day I’ll stop pushing people away when they try to help me…until then

One day I’ll learn to appreciate opposing perspectives…until then

One day I’ll stop seeing the worst in people and start recognizing their qualities…until then

One day I’ll learn to reach for help when I’m drowning in my own emotions..until then

One day I’ll grow, learn, and appreciate more of my surroundings..until then

One day I’ll love those who persecute me…until then

One day I’ll stop disregarding people’s feelings and start respecting them…until then

One day I’ll strive for happiness and not contentment…until then

One day I’ll be a better, stronger, more emotionally competnent me, until then I accept my flaws, seek to better them, but appreciate my imperfections.





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